Form 990 Review

Part of a nonprofit organization’s board of director’s and management’s fiscal responsibility is a review of the information return, form 990. The review ensures the


The operating reserve is cash to be used in the organization. It is part of an overall cash flow plan. Reserves can be for a

Grant Accounting in Nonprofit Organization

Accounting for grants can quickly become chaotic if not properly administered. Nonprofit Auditors know grant funding has to be properly categorized and recorded as grant

Non-Profit accounting: Vendor Files

As a nonprofit auditor in North Carolina I often encounter incomplete vendor files and vendor on-boarding procedures. A file should be set up for each

How to Prepare for the Year End Audit

Once year end hits, the clock starts ticking. Most audits required by regulatory agencies or grantors, impose a deadline for completion of the audit. The

Am I Required to Have an Audit?

The first question I ask as a nonprofit auditor when receiving a request for an audit quote is “Why do you need an audit?” Audits